Thursday, September 1, 2011

Diabetes Art Day - YOU are Our Sun

Thank you Lee Ann!

Diabetes affects people all over the world.
There isn't a continent that doesn't have a Type 1 person on it.
So, next time you feel alone, remember, you, by far, are not.

Diabetes can also bring gifts to this life. Unexpected gifts. 
Things you didn't see before, you see now.

Diabetes can color your world. 
It brings both sun and rain.
I know one thing that has brightened our world - the DOC.
You, all of you, change the way I think about each day.

DOC - this is for you. I hold you up, like all of you hold Grace and I up each and every day.
Have I said thank you lately?
Thank you.

As I made this, each time I inserted a used night-time test strip into the styrofoam ball, I started to say all of your names - all the people I know through the cyber-space DOC. I blessed each and every one of you - Kelly, Kerri, BSparl, Scott, George, Reyna, Joe, Hallie, SweetPea, Wendy, Sugar, Tracy, Steve, Lia, Conor, Delaney, Lily, Heather, Meri + 3 boys, Lorraine, Caleb, Lexi, Justice, Lee Ann, Karen, Wil, Hannah, Laura, Nate, Haley, Scott, Arden, Leighann, Q, Pam, Grace, Joanne, Elise, Jen, Addison, Nicole, Cara, Amy. Kim, Mike, Denise, Bean, Tracy, Matthew, Jules, Frank, Cherise....I could go on and on, and I did, through each push of the tiny test strip into the ball. 

And it hurt my fingers. And I kept going, cause my gal Grace keeps going every day. Grace created the 'flower' ball in the pictures above and as she did, she said her fingers hurt too. I reminded of what I tell her when things get rough 'Just do it.' And we did, together. 

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