Thursday, September 8, 2011

Image is Everything donors celebrated, MR suite unveiled

Jeff Hohenkerk, Director of Medical Diagnostic Imaging & Laboratory
Services, centre, explains the special features of the MR suite,
Sept. 8, to campaign donors as part of a tour.

Yesterday was an amazing day for the Image is Everything campaign as many donors and volunteers visited the hospital for a special reception and tours of the new MR suite at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital.

The campaign cabinet for Image is Everything were able to thank all the fantastic and generous donors who 'put themselves in the picture' and helped bring an MRI to RVAP. Staff in the MR suite were on hand to describe the different areas of the department and explain all of the benefits of the space, along with show off the MRI itself. It was a rare glimpse of the machine as once it is in operation and the magnet is activated, the public will no longer be able to access the space without extensive medical clearance.

The new MRI will be open for business starting the week of September 26. This day would not have been possible without the community's support and campaign chair Lucy Stocco made that clear in an emotional speech thanking everyone, especially her son Spencer.

Please click here, to see photos of the new MR Suite.

Please click here, to see photos from the Image is Everything Campaign Donor Appreciation Event and MR Suite Tours

Please click here, to see photos from the Image is Everything Campaign Volunteer Appreciation Event

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