Monday, October 17, 2011

Corners of my home - Reality Bites!

I love it when people post about the pretty little corners of their homes.
I find it inspiring and uplifting and really, honestly not at all guilt-inducing about my own home.
And on this note I couldn't resist the other day taking photos of my home in all its post-holiday glory.
I guarantee it won't induce any guilt in anyone!The kitchen counter with
  • one rubber glove; can't find its partner
  • diabetes kit open and mid-use
  • piles of books. leaflets and recharging cords
  • basket of quinces from the garden
  • tea towel flung and left

A corner near the fridge:
  • there are cars, always, all over the house, and I love these little reminders of my boy. They are painful reminders when you tread barefoot on them too!
The hob:
  • River Cottage Preserves book open to the left as I was making quince & apple sauce
  • Spuds and soup on the hob.
  • Dinosaurs on the counter; like cars there are dinos everywhere.
  • And a globe pencil sharpener. What home is complete without a globe pencil sharpener?

In choosing to photograph my home in its real state I managed to find it funny that we were living so chaotically for a while.
Things are tidier today but that might change tomorrow.
That this is just how it is, suits me just fine.

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